Friday, December 30, 2005
And again with the "resolutions"...
I don't do these things. By writing (and therefore acknowledging the existence of) resolutions in general, I throw them out into the atmosphere to become big looming clouds of "Things I really should have taken care of". And these aren't nice clouds. Nothing like the Simpson's sky clouds. Which reminds me, last night I saw the episode where Bart and Lisa become (briefly) best friends. One of my all time favorites.But back to the business at hand. My resolutions, AKA Promises to Myself that I Fully Intend to Break in 2006 are:
1. Blog, damnit.
2. Finish my other, real life journaling project.
3. Get back to other crafts that don't involve needles and yarn.
4. Knit more.
5. Petition the people that make the time to add a couple more hours to the day so I can fulfill items 1-4.
6. Return correspondence in a timely manner. (Hey Rach!)
7. Figure out whether or not I should really get over him.
8. Buy a really cool bike.
9. Ride bike to work on a regular basis. (A 3.4 mile commute really is ridiculous in a car.)
10. Convert office from slovenly storage area back to real, professional office and KEEP IT THAT WAY.
11. Care more about my job and stop slacking.
12. Have more fun. (see also: ligten up, remove stick from ass, enjoy life, etc.)
13. Stop being a bitch so much.
14. Finally take the GRE.
15. Use fantastic GRE scores to get into fantastic grad school in 2007.
So there you have it. If #1 falls through, I at least promise to post again this time next year to report on how it all turned out.
Heather at 6:03 PM