Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Most of the news that's fit to print

1. I'm alive and happy. Well, definitely alive and at least partially happy (when taking into account that there are a number of aspects of my life that are either not subject to change or currently subject to vast overwhelming change, neither of which I have any control over.)

2. I've vacationed my little heart out, and I'm actually home at the moment, but I plan on leaving again before the week is out. Personal stuff. It'll end up here soon enough.

3. I'm so on top of things that I've already reserved my truck to move, and called the Ole Miss people with the obligatory "Where in the hell is my diploma?!?" demands. (p.s. They mailed it. The USPS apparently ate it. I think I'll blame Reagan for this one as well.)

4. The throw-my-old-stuff-in-the-yard-and-see-if-anyone-will-take-the-junk plan worked brilliantly, and I'm now three chairs, one desk, and many broken appliances lighter. (I'm sure the stellar and beautiful neon yellow FREE STUFF sign was what sealed the deal.)

5. The slow and arduous plan of moving anything that can fit in my trunk prior to Move Day 2004 has been hampered by the following:
*A genetic tendency toward laziness
*Lack of anything resembling a box
*The fact that my room looks like a warzone
*Renting seasons two and three of Sex and the City

6. As for the real friend business of this site:
*I have a new cell. If you need the number, email me. If you've called my on the old number in the past three weeks, I dont hate you, I just elected to leave it uncharged until my contract is over.
*I'm looking for the following for the new Awesomely Cool Apartment of Heather (just in case anyone else is trying to unload furniture or is feeling extraordinarily generous):
- A tv that works
- A coffee table (preferably wood and somewhat 50's kitschy)
- A programmable 12 cup coffeemaker

Heather at 10:41 AM



at 12:55 PM Blogger anya said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

at 12:55 PM Blogger anya said...

Okay, now your comments are working. Welcome back! We need to catch up whenever you have time (we all know I have plenty of it).

at 11:05 AM Blogger Amber said...

hey. i miss you, and i hope you are well. i want your phone #. i'll check about the furniture. good luck.

at 6:48 PM Blogger a teacher said...

It's amazing how fast free stuff goes. I actually had neighbors coming into the house, asking if they could buy things. It was insane. Congrats on finding a new place!

at 3:25 PM Blogger faith said...

umm... is lizzie's blog on strike???

at 10:26 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...


at 8:07 AM Blogger anya said...

you should be proud cause I'm checking here almost religiously just waiting for your next post of entertaining yet insightful wisdom. miss ya.

at 6:03 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

how funny. I found your blog b/c I am also named Heather and also live in MS.


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