Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Shoot me now
Teachers are exceptionally good at whining about how much work they do and how much more they should be paid. And sure, I work hard. Really hard sometimes. But, essentially, I get to go spend my days hanging out with really awesome kids, teaching them stuff, being lame, and learning new slang. If anything, I should be giving part of my check back to them for how exponentially cooler I've gotten since I started teaching in the Delta.However...
Certain days (like today) I spend a cagillion hours writing my grades in INK on grade sheets that I had to handwrite the names on. And once I'm finished with that, I have to rewrite them, by hand of course, on a different grade sheet, just in case little gnomes come into the office and steal the sheets which now exist in triplicate in three very different locations. And once I'm finished with that, I have to spend an hour handwriting a grade distribution sheet that will be put into a file folder and never EVER looked at by anyone even though all my teeny tiny numbers are correct and beautiful. And once I'm done with that (and all the other menial, secretarial things a teacher has to do in the last couple of days of school), I get to come home and stress about whether or not my principal will accept my grades printed out from a computer. (Knowing all the while that he raised hell over someone who did the same thing last year), after which I eventually decide to take out my poor little pen again and then enter every single grade that I had neatly printed out in spreadsheets into my "sooooooooo 1954" gradebook because my principal doesn't trust TECHNOLOGY even though it's 2004, and for some reason the grades are LESS REAL if they're on a printout.
So now my eyeballs feel like they're about to drop out of my head, I have a vague caffiene headache, and I'm grouchy. Don't fuck with me.
Heather at 7:45 PM
- at 8:03 PM anya said...
Sounds like you need some personal beauty products. :-)
- at 1:39 PM Amber said...
ohmygod. i do not care how cool the kids are, i definitely deserve to be paid more because i totally CANNOT live on this salary. and, girlfriend, you deserve to be paid more too.
- at 8:23 PM Christine said...
only thing I can say is "oy"
I've only ever seen the other end of the spectrum...where administration chooses technology that may not even be beneficial and teachers are forced to use it.