Thursday, May 13, 2004

Dear Someone

You are cordially invited to be my date to the SHS 2004 Junior/Senior Prom on Saturday, May 15. Activities to include: meeting the future of America, eating lots of food (probably fried), embarrassingly/endearingly dancing like a white person, discussions of the state of education/current music trends/glitter/girls showing too much tit/ass/belly/loss of dignity, mingling, asking people not to make-out/booty dance/simulate sex acts.

*Transportation will be provided (as long as you don't mind riding in a Saturn).

*Black tie not required. (You'll be with a chaperone. No one will care. Seriously.)

p.s. All RSVPs, acceptances, offers, etc. should be left in the comments. And you'd better damn well leave me a way to get in touch with you. Otherwise I'll be that teacher that couldn't even get herself a date for prom.

Heather at 5:17 PM



at 7:46 PM Blogger ms. v. said...

I went to the (8th grade) prom my first year teaching... it could only be described as SURREAL. I did NOT take a date, but I did leave early to meet my boyfriend of the time and his friends for a much-needed stiff drink. Good luck!

at 1:07 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you allowed to have a same-sex date? If so, I'll go!!! As long as they don't think you're a lesbian! 423-400-0884 (michelle, btw) as if it wasn't obvious by the lesbian comment ;) but seriously, call me.


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