Thursday, April 01, 2004

Yes, a pen.

I'm taking the day off tomorrow, mainly because I freaking can (but partly because sometimes you go to school and everything goes really well and you need some time to bask in the glory of the academic process) except for the following horrors:
1. The Distance Learning equipment completely not working for the bazillionth time this year and the subsequent phone call inquiring as to why I didn't fix it. (Good lord, people. I have degrees in English and Anthropology. If you need your eqipment excavated, call me. Otherwise, back the fuck off.)
2. A student getting stabbed in the head with a pen.
3. My principal hiding out in the library to avoid the flood of teachers attempting to turn in their notes requesting subs tomorrow. Wonder if it's ever dawned on him that if he got a backbone, he'd spend significantly less time avoiding people.
4. Stabber-girl's mother who reeked of old cigarette smoke and came very close to "bringing it" to the principal right in front of my face. (If this had actually come to fruition, I know I would have stood and laughed and perhaps applauded. But then again, I'd probably be minus one job for such behavior.)

But no, really, it was a good day. A day to be celebrated. And I intend on celebrating, all by myself, while those little suckers attempt to dehumanize another substitute. God be with her.

Heather at 6:39 PM



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