Friday, April 16, 2004

Friday Five

Top Five Things That Rock:
1. Mississippi school lunches, where a fried pie counts as fruit.
2. The fact that I totally DONT GET the whole Apprentice thing.
3. No more horribly annoying Jon Peter Lewis.
4. My poor little sensitive skin has FINALLY recovered from Eyebrow Waxing Extravaganza 2004.
5. 2 periods left until I can go freakin' home to my couch.

Top Five Things That Suck:
1. Owing money to the government.
2. Owing money to Ole Miss.
3. Not having better weekend plans than "get drunk and attempt to have fun."
4. Not knowing whether or not I'll have a job next year.
5. Not having a boyfriend/crush/significant other/person to sleep with on a regular basis.

Top Five Incredibly Stupid Things I Did This Week:
1. Waited 'till yesterday to file my taxes, just because I'm that lazy.
2. Wore the same cute-but-painful heels three days in a row, thus rendering my lower back a weak-throbbing mess.
3. Answered the phone past midnight more than once.
4. Neglected to put away 96.8% of the laundry I did last weekend.
5. Put off ordering my cap and gown. Again.

Top Five Weekend Plans:
1. El Charro with the "cool kids."
2. Drinking with the real Cool Kids post El Charro.
3. Saturday and/or Sunday morning hangover.
4. Bitching about how many more weeks fo school we have left.
5. Plotting and preparation for wild-n-crazy summer romance.

Top Five Quotes of the Week:
1. Student: "Do you have any alcohol?" Me: "Rubbing or Drinking?"
2-5 To be announced post drunken antics of the weekend.

Heather at 11:05 AM



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