Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Easter in Review: The Holiday List

1. Attend pseudo-get-together with well dressed TFAers, while I came complete in the Heather uniform, complete with appropriate footwear.
2. Emergency phone call to inform a certain someone of an inappropriately short skirt.
3. Golden Girls, Monty Python, and mocking conversation until the better-dressed crowd made their way to the bar and I made my way home to the bed.

1. Ash and friend come to visit.
2. Porch drinking, loud music, and other activities intended to draw police attention.
3. Plan created to get underage sister and friend into bar.
4. Bar event goes well for sister and friend, and poorly for everyone else, including multiple instances of unsolicited drunken kissing.

1. Early morning trip to resupply on cigs made for interesting learning experience concerning pop-on rims.
2. Lunch trip to The Crown with unlimited pie.
3. Really really bad movie at Sam's.
4. Thunderstorm that was supposed to be really awesome cool, then wasn't cool at all...
5. Until two hours later when we realized we hadn't eaten dinner and went to Wendy's at 10:30 in a hail storm.

1. Easter dinner not intended for the impatient. (seriously people, these things take time.)
2. Very smoky kitchen due to grilling/oven accident of a week ago that was never properly corrected.
3. Broke in a "new boyfriend," (J's, not mine) with a wealth of off color dinner table jokes.
4. Had the most boring evening of my young life, but managed to learn the following:
A. Other people are just as bored as you are, but don't talk about it as much.
B. Sparking grape juice and amaretto do not make an appropriate after-dinner beverage.

1. Drizzle and unusually cold temperatures lead to...
2. Seven loads of laundry
3. Immense consumption of left-over Easter dessert.

Heather at 10:02 AM



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