Wednesday, April 21, 2004

200 Word Wednesday: For Lizzie

I know now how it felt
All those times you talked about going back
And you’d get that far off look in your eye
(that I couldn’t help but want to slap off your face)
Sometimes that “L” word just doesn’t play fair
And you end up looking into eyes
That shouldn’t be that close to your face
Then your shirt’s on the floor…
And you’re not thinking, “My best friend
Will think I’m an idiot when I tell her.”
You’re thinking, “I had forgotten
People can look at each other like that.
I shouldn’t be here. I don’t want to be
Anywhere else in the world but here.
If every moment with you could be
Exactly-like-this-moment, I could stay
Next to you forever, and I know
I could work really hard to forget
All the things that made it fall apart.”

The only truly sad thing is
I remember how the story ends
I remember how this has to drag itself out
Until everyone is so tired of it
They want to scream when the phone rings.
And so my strategy is this:
Don’t speak a word of it.
I tried to tell the beginning
Of this second chapter tonight
And the word “magic”
Obliterated everything else.
So I’m leaving it at that.

Heather at 9:05 PM



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