Saturday, March 13, 2004
Spring Break: A summary in numbers
Miles driven: 694Miles my car is now past-due for an oil change: 1438 and counting
Major mid-south cities visited: 3
Starbucks visits: 6
Times a dog tried to hijack my frappucino: 1
Number of boys I shared a bed with: 2
Number of boys who acknowledged that I was actually in the bed: 1
Number of Boston Terriers that acknowledged that I was in the bed: 1
Beds slept in with ceiling fan controls and interrogation lights IN THE FREAKIN HEADBOARD: 1
Beds slept in that broke my solemn "I will never again sleep in an extra-long twin" vow: 1
Cool random kids I had conversations with: 2
Of those, the number that taught me how to kill toy-stealing monsters: 1 (What up, Damonte?)
Of those, the number that had giant bloody IV ports sticking out of their arms: 1
Beers consumed: 10ish (disappointing, I know)
Number of cigs smoked in front of dorms at U of Memphis: entirely too many
Times I was asked, "Where do you go to school?": 2,000,000
Times I responded with a blank stare: 1,999,998
Times that blank stare was met with a gaze that must have meant, "You dropped out, didn't you?": 1,999,997
Number of people I recruited for Teacher Corps: 1 (and she's totally awesome)
Number of hours left before spring break is officially over: 40
Heather at 1:16 PM