Monday, March 29, 2004

So so very tired

There is someone I miss very much. Someone who won't even answer the phone. Someone who's voice mail I've developed an intimate connection with. And now I call and leave messages that drop off after things that would be profound if Ione Skye were saying them in a movie. Only she isn't. And I haven't perfected the pregnant pause.

When I call and say that I want to hear your voice, and then let things drop off and a car drives by and I use the same pause I perfected at seventeen when I still thought I could simultaneously manipulate and charm people... well, it's really all for you.

I'm going to bed now, and maybe when it's very very dark and quiet outside and I've been asleep long enough to curl into my perfect side-sleeping-fetal-with-one-leg-extended the phone will ring and I'll answer and you'll be drunk and sweet and watching the History channel and you'll ask me to tell you a story.

Heather at 7:38 PM



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