Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Diversions, a Drive-Thru, and Doritos

If you've never lived in Mississippi, you've never experienced the distinct joy of knowing you've just seen something that could never ever occur in quite the same fashion beyond the boundaries of this state.

On Friday night, T. and I went to Wendy's somewhere in the middle of the giant Ashley-trapped-on-the-side-of-the-interstate fiasco. All the normal drive-thru things happenned. Ordering, sorting of money, waiting patiently behind cars that seemed to order the entirity of the Wendy's menu twice over. Only this time, the monotony of America's fixation on low quality food came with free (and classy) entertainment.

The car in front of us in line (some sort of mid 80's sedan) held four occupants. The front seat contained "Mullet Boy" and some vaguely unattractive female, both of undetermined ages. (At one point we thought them to be the parents of the crazies in the backseat, but we eventually decided it was some sort of older-brother or much-older-friend arrangement.)

And the backseat (oh god the backseat, with all of its backseat potential) held two of the horniest, grabbiest fifteen year olds the world has ever witnessed. When our attention was first drawn to the backseat we had a moment of pause.
"They aren't really making out, are they?"
"No, they couldn't be. There are people in the front seat. No one is that gross."
But as the cycle of heads coming up, and disappearing back down below our line of sight continued, we knew there was no other explanation.

These kids were getting some major face-sucking action. Simple as that.

Eventually the two love birds realized they were being watched. (I think our incessant giving of the thumbs-up might have tipped them off.) And did they have a moment of pause? Did they ever consider perhaps this wasn't appropriate behavior for the drive-thru? Hell no. Let the face-sucking continue!

And so it went, through the ordering, through paying the girl at the window, all the way until big-brother-or-older-male-friend passed food into the back seat to offer nourishment to the surely famished couple.

But, they might not have needed the food. After all, through the entire makeout session, boy-makeout-participant kept frantically grabbing chips out of a Doritos bag featured prominently in the back windshield, one time having to paw around, his face so securly attached to makeout girl that he couldn't be bothered with actually looking for the all important Doritos bag.

The drive-thru, Doritos, making out, laughing hysterically... God, I love Mississippi.

Heather at 9:40 AM



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