Monday, March 15, 2004
A Big F-ing To Do
1. Discover and acquire fulfilling employment (preferably that will allow me to keep my sweet-ass ride).2. Fall in love and/or get super-awesome boyfriend who can telepathically know when I need a back rub/phone call/frappucino/make-out-session/etc.
3. Wash some freaking clothes already.
4. Learn that "cleaning my room" should not mean "moving junk from bedroom into office so that it will be less noticeable to guests".
5. Grade the pile of papers that is now approximately the same height and weight as the dude from The Littlest Groom.
6. Swear off making obscure Reality TV references.
7. Find styling products that have been AWOL since Spring Break Extravaganza so hair will not look like crazy-finger-in-light-socket-incident tomorrow.
8. Retrieve new Jack Johnson CD from car and put in alarm clock therefore rendering tomorrow's wake-up a chill, relaxing experience. Yeah, right.
9. Become as cool as little sis so that my Saturday nights will become more "punk Eurotrash party fun" and less "weird friends making out with each other awkwardness".
10. Relax a little, for the love of god, because if I don't soon I'm going to start going bald and/or gaining weight and/or losing friends in addition to my now nightly migraines and freak outs.
Heather at 6:59 PM