Friday, March 19, 2004

ADD and Me

For the two people that visit every day, well, first of all, thanks for your loyalty. I love you, too, and all that jazz. And second, I'm sorry for all the changey stuff I've been doing. I've been spastic and antsy all week and even American Idol couldn't hold my 14-year-old-mentality interest. (I think I'm finished with the tweaking except for maybe a bit of color adjustment.)

As far as life, it's so difficult and confusing right now that it's making writing very difficult. (And I say this knowing that if one of my students ever tried to sell such a lame excuse they'd be sent to some sort of English Class Purgatory.) But, honestly, it's the truth. I don't have the sort of all-thats-good-and-pure writing in me that I had a few months ago, or even a few weeks ago. But maybe I'll have enough relaxation (read: porch sitting, smoking, and drinking) time this weekend to refuel and realize that my life isn't a total chaotic mess. Maybe after that I'll be back to my previous brilliance.

If not, just expect a whole hell of a lot more excuses like the ones contained above.

Heather at 9:53 AM



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