Tuesday, March 30, 2004
200 Word Wednesday: Character Sketch
She walked back out into the yard. She checked by the door for her grass-stained Nikes, the ones she'd had since sophomore year. The left was there, still propped by not entirely square front door. The right was missing again, most likely having been used as a pillow the night before by the neighborhood stray as he slept beside the roaring air-conditioning unit. The steps were smooth under her feet in spite of the fact that no one ever saw to sanding or finishing them. Years of foot traffic and rainy weekends had worn them to the oily smoothness of railings coercing children through amusement park lines. She knew the bill needed today's postmark, with or without her right shoe.She crossed the yard to the car without looking down. She had little concern for bees, thorns, or excrement. She was proud of having a stamp this morning. At least there was that. One stamp left for the last bill. The final installment. An end to an era she had never wanted to begin in the first place. With the key in the ignition, the turned her wrist. Click. No rev. No sputter. She leaned forward, head on hands on steering wheel.
I realize now that it's actually TUESDAY. This is what teaching does to you.
Heather at 8:24 PM