Sunday, February 01, 2004
"Some people are just shitty." --Dena, on bitches
I'm sure there are a lot of people whom I've pissed off in my life. I could easily name twenty off the top of my head. But you see, the situation is this, my personality won't allow me to continue to piss you off. When it comes down to it, I'm a really nice girl. Aggressive, mean, spiteful, sure. But it all tends to pass rather quickly and then I go back to being friends. (right, Lizzie?)So when you feel compelled to take me outside (literally),
to tell me that I'm not welcome in your house (which you happenning to be renting along with someone who is a very dear friend of mine),
after you've somehow become confused that there is lingering animosity between us (big word for you, wasn't it?),
I shouldn't have to be upset. I also shouldn't have to feel guilty for calling you a "straight-up bitch," which was admittedly weak, but the best put-down I could come up with on short notice.
I've always had a hard time realizing the fact that there are some people who are in no way worthy of my time, people who may in fact be completely devoid of any redeeming qualities. Well, tonight, I think I took a huge step into big-girl land in realizing that you (Grand Queen of the Shitty People) are in no way worthy of my time. You are completely devoid of any redeeming qualities.
It is for this reason, I feel completely justified in saying that first, I hope you get a horrible STD that renders you unable to spread your whore-love any further than you already have. And after all your naughty-bits have withered away, I hope you have a life altering moment in which you realize exactly how unreasonable and crazy you actually are. And then after that, you're more than welcome to continue to conduct your whiny-little-rich-girl life in whatever way you see fit (of course now devoid of your dignity and your means of reproducing.)
Heather at 4:44 PM