Thursday, February 19, 2004
So what's the story?
In short, there isn't one. At least not one worth telling. I know the posts have been infrequent and cryptic and a tad depressing and not the usual bubbly Heather-fare that we've all come to appreciate.There is a bottom line in this (and a whole hell of a lot of stuff leading up to it) but the bottom line hasn't really been reached yet. There's still shit to sort through and conversations to have and other evenings to lose to thinking about things I should have been finished thinking about a while ago.
It's not that life isn't good. School is good, bordering on great for at least one or two periods a day. But then I come home and remember what all is going on, and then I try to nap (and even napping has become fitful and unrewarding), then I think about planning for school or finishing my portfolio, but I've done little to none of either. The hours spent away from work are getting sucked into that great void of sitting in front of the computer or the tv or on the bed, doing absolutely nothing productive, and listening to either trash pop or depressing guitar and/or piano melancholia.
Feel free to leave me comments telling me to "cheer up," or "look on the bright side!" and know that the laugh I have at your expense might do a bit to improve the quality of my day. I'll see my way through this, but there isn't a whole lot anyone can do about it in the meantime.
Heather at 6:24 PM