Friday, February 06, 2004

Friday so far...

1. I've managed to apparently come down with something that can only be described as death "The worst chest cold in the universe."

2. As a result, I sound like Bea Arthur. Lovely. And so great considering my job requires me to TALK all day!

3. Our home alarm system became possessed at 5 a.m., dinging randomly, keeping J. from sleeping, and significantly disturbing my own final hour of much needed sleep.

4. I managed to leave my PURSE at HOME. (wtf!??!??!) I needed to bring my laptop to school today and apparently in the confusion of the dinging and the missing hour of sleep, I failed to notice (until I was getting out of my car at school, 35 miles later) that my purse was very much still in my kitchen.

Pray for me or something.

Heather at 6:59 AM



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