Wednesday, February 18, 2004

200 Word Wednesday: An Open Letter

Dear Love of My Life,

You can ask questions, but I can’t guarantee any uplifting, life-affirming answers. No, I’m not sure why no one has snatched me up yet. Probably has something to do with being flighty and weird and intimidating. No, I’m not ready to settle down. Terrifies the hell out of me, actually. And no, I can’t make any promises, accept any gifts, or put anything down in writing. I’m a doubter, a Grade A certified scaredy-cat.

But yes, I will run away with you, if you can promise me a few minor allowances. I must leave junk all over the house. I will leave the Sunday coffee cup on the bookshelf until it needs to be used next Sunday. I will put the bills next to the houseplants until the next time they get watered, when the water will overflow and smudge the fact that I now owe the cellphone people $211.74. I will forget to kiss you goodbye at least every other Tuesday. I will frequently “forget” to shave my legs. I will pick my nose while deep in thought. I will love you so fearlessly that it makes me cry.

Get back to me.

Heather at 2:52 PM



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