Tuesday, January 06, 2004
Yeah, I'm really hung up on this OR An open-ended letter to an underappreciated holiday
Dear Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Weekend,First off, I miss you. I miss you the way I would miss you if you were my boyfriend and you broke up with me while I was totally still in love with you and then proceeded to spend the next two weeks on my couch crying and eating Reese's Cups and drinking Cherry Coke. These are serious feelings of longing we're dealing with here. So, I was thinking I should get in touch with you and maybe we could cut a deal. (I'll try to make said deal as simple as possible, as I'm sure you have other MLK and/or civil rights related stuff you should be doing.)
The "deal" *wink wink*
1. Please make the time between now and your beloved day pass as quickly as possible.
2. Any events that closely resemble last year's MLK weekend can be re-used this year with little to no complaining from me. Such events can include but are not limited to the following:
*The entire city of Memphis
*Nap time and/or SNL reruns
*Strangers who turn out to be really hot and then let me sleep in their houses and/or in their beds. (Futons will suffice in a pinch.)
*Starbucks (snow optional)
*Really kick ass conversations
3. MLK weekend must be so astoundingly awesome that it inspires me to make it all the way to Spring Break (while taking a minimal number of "mental health days").
Thanks for all you've done for us, MLK Holiday Weekend! I hope to hear from you soon. Until then, have a lovely January, and remember your promise to respond to requests on a first come first serve basis because I'm getting this baby in early for a reason.
In love and solidarity,
P.S. Don't forget I'm giving you ample time to make this happen. I expect the best, and if not the best, then at least something I can look back on and say, "Man, I was drunk and that was FUN."
Heather at 2:26 PM