Sunday, January 04, 2004
Just in case you were wondering.
1. Grocery shopping and a sprained (hopefully just sprained) ankle are the worst combination of circumstances on god's green earth. By the time I got to aisle 3 I was asking complete strangers to amputate.2. To the little blonde girl (aged 4 with the psycho-bitch attitude), I heard you say "Mommy, that weird girl is blocking our cart. Get her to move," and for the record, I wasn't blocking your fucking cart, now go chew on the end of your ponytail and hold your breath until middle school when you'll be hideous in addition to being dumb with a terrible attitude.
3. Thanks to John for putting away the groceries, not calling me a complete idiot for shopping in the first place, and mentioning (in his infinite attentiveness) that he was sorry I couldn't put them away myself because it is my MOST favorite thing to do. (no seriously, it is.)
4. Thanks again to John for his new French and/or Polish holiday romance, and said romance's invitation of "sex phone," with John of course... but if he knew me it might be a different story.
5. Geaux Tigers, which is where I'm headed now. Back to the living room floor to read Glamour and watch football, because I'm just that kind of girl.
Heather at 7:24 PM