Monday, January 26, 2004
The Joy of Post 3:05
As I was packing up to leave school today, A.R. dropped by to remind me that I promised her I'd find her some research on a topic for her Health class."Oh yeah, sorry I'd forgotten about that. I'll try to remember tonight."
A: "How can we make sure you remember?"
"Maybe we can write it on my hand?"
A: "Great idea" (getting pen out of backpack, preparing to write on my hand)
Suddenly it dawns on me that one of my students is about to write GENITAL HERPES in big block letters on my hand.
"Um, maybe we should abbreviate. If you just write 'G.H.' I'm sure I'll remember what it stands for."
A: "You sure?"
"Yeah, I'm definitely sure."
Heather at 7:12 PM