Thursday, December 11, 2003

My very own stupidity

In response to Lizzie:

At our faculty meeting yesterday, which I did not attend, (I was on a library adventure with freshmen doing Bio research projects) our principal told the entire staff that if we catch him not smiling at any point in the day, he is to give us a dollar.

Based on my preliminary calculations, I plan to be a trillionaire by the time 7th period rolls around.

Unless, of course, such rules don't apply to me because I wasn't actually at the meeting.

Ironically, all of this is designed to improve the ever impaired attitude of the teachers. I, for one, can already tell you that I'm feeling much more positive now that I work in a school where the principal is going to be forced to pay out for small misdeeds like frowning. I can't wait to see how much cash gets thrown down for major boo-boos. Can anyone say "misplaced requisition" or perhaps "inconsistent discipline"?

Heather at 6:50 AM



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