Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Last Night on Rich Girls <-- allegedly tongue-in-cheek title

My full evening of porch sitting and cigarette smoking was interrupted last night by both a friend invasion and a mini-marathon of everyone's favorite television idiocy parade, Rich Girls.

T. came over with her lovely visiting friend S. who is so entirely insane that she drove cross-country in a Geo Prism. (Don't they only have a three-cylinder engine?) We commenced our television viewing nearly immediately.
S (with remote): What should we watch?
Me: Isn't Rich Girls on?
S (attempting californiai'mabovethatcool): I've never seen that.
Me (like an idiot): Oh my GOD, it's the BEST. We MUST watch it.

*commence Rich Girls viewing*
...fifteen minutes later

S: So they're rich and MTV follows them around?
Me: Duh.
S: And this is a show?
Me: Of course it is.

*now one and a half episodes in*

S: When is Ally going to talk about her aura again?
T: I think Kai is doing something with her aura.
S: And why is Jaime's mouth in permanent blow-job scowl?
... much more witty comment on Kai, his collection of embroidered shirts, Jaime's blow-job mouth, that lame-ass cashmere shawl, the 6 HOURS they spent in that poor store, a detailed evaluation of who in the hell "Liz" is and why we should care, brief discussion of Tommy Hilfiger's sexuality, etc.

*J. emerges from extended phone conversation with father figure*

Me: What time is it?
J: 10:48.
Me: Holy shit, I've been on the couch watching Rich Girls for nearly two hours.
... upstairs to attempt to sleep but sleep can never come when one is thinking of the pink suede knee high marc jacobs boots that one will never own...

Heather at 8:04 AM



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