Monday, October 20, 2003
In Lieu of Tradition
I’ve decided to post my proposed Christmas gifts for everyone online, and leave things open to comment. Don’t like what I’m getting you? Say so. Have a better suggestion? Something you can’t live without? Now is the time to say that. Again, all mentions of gifts are entirely hypothetical. Lack of funds, horrible fights/breakups, and other unforeseen events might take you out of the present realm all together. It’s entirely up to you to maintain your status as ‘one of the cool people.’Ashley:
Homemade ‘The Shitty Jennifers’ T-shirt, and assorted other cool stuff that I wanted to buy for myself but couldn’t justify spending money on
Homemade 'The Shitty Jennifers' T-shirt, and something daddy-ish
Every cute little baby thing in the world, including but not limited to, a trunk load full of books, adorable clothes, teeny tiny shoes, and lots of very soft things
Something insanely girly and un-mommyish to renew her knowledge that she’s still a young, sexy girl
My mom:
Something insanely girly and un-mommyish to renew her knowledge that she’s still a young, sexy girl
My dad:
A million dollars
“The Boyfriend”:
Some damn clothes, Happy for Men, and the DVDs he keeps meaning to buy but never gets around to buying
John: ??
Erin: ??
This one I really can’t say, but I have a wonderful idea, and she needs something to make her feel wonderful, so I’m going to do the absolute best I can. (Meanwhile, Lizzie is thinking… “Damnit Heather! I didn't just read this whole entry to not find out what my present is!?!”)
Some Art-ala-Heather, as she is one of the remaining “important people” not to receive any.
Random Girl Gift: Something jewelry-ish, same as last year, but current with the season's trends of course
Random Boy Gift: Nada. Giving random boy gifts when one has a "boyfriend" is forbidden in all 50 states, or so I've been told.
Heather at 7:56 AM