Sunday, September 28, 2003
For ease of publication
I've been thinking, the vast majority of these overly popular (read: very readable, entertaining and addictive) blogs have some sort of theme. JR has his "interesting picture and wickedly hilarious yet brief" posting theme. Krissa has her "wise and worldly young New Yorker" thing going on, spouted off in snippets that seem more like something from a movie than someone's real life. Allison is just plain-fuckin-literary. Even Faith has her "I'm getting through my day in the following ways..." approach. And still, I seem to have not caught on. The "these are random comments about my love life and my job with entirely too many lists" approach lends itself to my writing a bunch of boring shit every couple of days.Therefore, I need a theme. And I challenge you losers to come up with one. I'll write about whatever you want, but you must leave any and all suggestions in the comments box. In fact, all worthy suggestions will be honored with at least two weeks of posting related to the suggested theme. I'm challenging you losers, and I swear I'll hold up my end of the bargain.
Heather at 9:17 AM