Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Things to do on a boring, sweaty day:
1. Make lists on blog
2. Go to post office so that bills will be vaguely on time
3. Grocery shop with the entire population of your hometown
4. End grocery shopping with fifteen minute stint in line while all frozen foods proceed to thaw
5. Wear short dress on front porch, sit inappropriately, and wait for passing cars to notice
6. Get online dating advice from dearest friend and nod sincerely to self at suggestion of "scavenger hunt"
7. Consider vacuuming newly deflowered living room floor
8. Consider merits of increasingly confusing dating-triumvirate
9. Consider merits of may-december romance that is actually more of may-july romance.
10. Ponder philosophical significance of unceasing requests to "get naked"

Heather at 6:33 PM



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