Sunday, July 27, 2003

So, when I am bored, I sit at home and type random things on my computer, and follow links from one lame website to the next. And once in a while I find something that makes me laugh my ass off, and it is in those moments that I think, "Hey, maybe the people who read the blog would laugh their asses off, too." Feel free to thank me in the form of blank checks of fresh baked goods.

The site is, and in order to mine the depths of their genius, simply type in anything (I used names) to discover what the internet already knows about you. For example purposes, I'll post my two favorite lists supplied by Googlism, one concerning my apparently very ambitious brother, and the other for my dad. Try not to laugh so hard that you injure yourself.

A search for Todd Johnston yielded the following:
todd johnston is a newly appointed ambassador and will serve the miami/fort lauderdale
todd johnston is also an active consultant with non
todd johnston is heading up the project
todd johnston is she"
Um, not so sure about that last one. Feel free to leave feedback or conjecture in the comments.

And Roger Johnston, for which the last statement is quite possibly the funniest thing I've ever read:
roger johnston is technically orientated executive with extensive experience in general and marketing management
roger johnston is a project and team leader in the chemical science and technology division at los alamos national laboratory
roger johnston is executive vice president and chief credit
roger johnston is a man rapidly approaching middle age
roger johnston is how polite he is
roger johnston is named "wanker of the week" for some damn fool thing he did

Now, go have fun, kids!

Heather at 6:49 PM



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