Saturday, June 21, 2003
How in the world do people do this?-Throughout history there have been instances of women using all sorts of men for their own whims. Admittedly, such trends are more present in the male population and I'd be hard pressed to name five blue-blooded devious man-manipulaters (this is why the site has comments), but on to the truth of the matter.
First, a brief interlude of description:
Boy One: Not alarmingly handsome but alarmingly witty and tall. Has precisely same sense of humor as yours truly, so much so that he finds it appropriate to squeeze my leg when vastly inappropriate woman in movie theater screams, "Girl! Your boyfriend... he CRAZY!" during The Hulk. Cute in that, "ya know, I'd bet you'd still be cute when you wake up in the morning" sort of way. Drives giant truck. Has very demanding job. Has strange but entirely delightful tactile attachments.
Boy Two: Alarmingly charming and borderline gorgeous. Equally tall but not equally witty. Has already figured out that keeping me in my place could easily be a twentyfour hour a day job. Seems to have odd need to recharge his internal battery while in my presence, then expend all that energy in short bursts of flirting/ making out/ flinging me around the room. Recently unemployed and even more recently reemployed in similarly very demanding job. Has strange but occasionally delightful machismo redneck urges like four-wheeling. (?)
As for the weekend:
Friday night, Boy One took me on a hastily planned but throughly enjoyable date, complete with movie, gas station cherry coke, inappropriate conference room behavior, lots of laughter and speeding trucks. Boy One stayed really late. As in, "yes, I think it's time to make coffee" late. Boy Two was noticeably absent, having not contacted me since Thursday. However, having Boy One and Boy Two in same place at same time might have created a rather large disturbance of the "I think it's time to call the cops" variety. Saturday night, Boy One has plans to come over but gets paged to go in to work because of impending internet disaster. Boy two remains MIA until eleven pm when he abruptly appears online, chats me up about this and that, and then elects not to come over because of his post-work-stench and impending sleep deprivation. Boy one shows up online at one am, well past appropriate dating hours, to inform me of the ridiculous nature of his job and the sad news that he absolutely wont be coming over for the evening. Sunday's plans include phone calls and/or visits from both boy one and boy two. Hopefully this will all resolve itself in the near future.
And as I drive the speed limit into the Tennessee hills on Wednesday, I wanted to make sure that it had been documented that I had TWO boys after me and I elected to go home for a bit and risk one or both of them losing interest in my absence, because that is the sort of thing that happens to women who try to juggle too many men at once.
Note: The decision of whom to call Boy One and whom to call Boy Two was eventually made on the basis of chronology, despite the fact that Boy One has already played a bit of a disappearing act on me. He still came first, so he gets to be Boy One for better or worse. God, was that a wedding pun?
Heather at 11:10 PM