Wednesday, May 14, 2003
Top Ten Ways to Thorougly Piss Me Offin no particular order
Disclaimer: In light of recent blog faux paus, this blog is intended to be a joke. A very large, not entirely humorous joke. Any mention of loved ones are not made to be hurtful, but instead intended to be lovely little, punch-in-the-ribs humorous statements.
1. Rain, a lot.
2. Serve something lame, like corn dogs, for lunch when I'm so hungry I could eat my own arm.
3. Label your hair color box "Dark Golden Blonde" when you really meant "Kinda Reddish Brown."
4. Disappear from IM conversations that might not have been interesting in the first place but are still worthy of a measley, "I'm going off to do something more interesting now."
5. Send me emails with contradictory, sage-like relationship advice when you're in love with a freakin country music singer.
6. Not call and apologize. (Thanks, mom.)
7. Claim that I "lost" your stupid Drama book, when I distinctly recall writing YOUR name in it and not mine.
8. Use me for my porch.
9. Make today Wednesday instead of Friday. (How in the world is it only Wednesday?)
10. Not be able to regenerate yourself, such as the ever dwindling population of cigarettes in the current pack.
Heather at 8:50 PM