Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Scrawled on a Post-It on my bedroom door this morning...

The internet called. It misses you. You haven't posted anything more than lame middle-schoolesque quizzes and one sentences entries including unacceptable phrases like "holy crap" in ages. Get back to work, woman! And, one last thing, did you write a check for rent?

Okay, so maybe I lied. Maybe there wasn't a post-it on my door this morning. But I know people have been talking, wondering if I've lost my touch. And yeah, I probably have. I've spent all my time thinking about how school is almost over, how I still have a million things left to do, how I'm feeling entirely too little anxiety about the fact that I didn't teach my kids much of anything this year, how the first years are probably graduating from college right this very second, how my bed hasn't been made in more than a week. But I'm still here, attempting to pay bills, teach something every now and then, and have teensy-tinsy bits of fun every now and then.

And as for John, he'd probably never sign a note with "kisses," but the fact that he will now, just to mimic this entry, and the fact that he got up TWICE this week to smoke with me on the porch before I left for school make him the absolute undisupted coolest guy I know.

Heather at 6:35 PM



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