Monday, April 28, 2003
A semi-boring day in the land of the magnolia.All the news that's fit to print:
1. Redneck boyfriend is no more. Details may or may not be forthcoming. If you want the scoop, you probably know the number.
2. Roommate number four may be our very-special summer present, which would facilitate a very happy heather moving into a very tiny study. (Why don't my roommates realize how sincerely happy I am about this? If I live in the same room for more than a year I start to feel rooted. Roots are bad.)
3. Painting Marathon 2003 is underway. The living room looks like we let little kids destroy our walls, with it's one new coat of Killz, attempting to cover up the tomb-like dark green.
4. Ole Shelly will be no more as of tomorrow afternoon. Ah, the memories. (The official decision has yet to be made as to whether or not the new car will be called New Shelly. Something tells me it just wouldn't be the same.)
5. I had a really cool post planned to mimic Krissa's Friday Five, but friday came and went, as did saturday and sunday, and I doubt a Tuesday Two would be as emotionally affecting. So if you want some gushing blog post praising why you're the best friend ever, you have at least four more days to wait.
6. No one should ever let me write long emails after fourth period, especially when I attempted to put a curse on them so that they would all die instantly.
7. My mom forgot to call me back after I told her I couldn't talk because I was watching Mr. Personality.
8. My sister rocks.
and I hereby do solemnly swear to not write a single list for the rest of the week.
Heather at 7:29 PM