Friday, April 18, 2003

My Notes to you:

Emailed the website to Dr. Cock. 9 am, three days late, with coffee in hand after an hour long conversation with my mom while she ate pancakes and tried to keep the dog off the dining room table. Sometimes it just takes that sort of motivation to get me moving. Hopefully I'll get my grade back sometime today. Something tells me that man is too closely related to Satan to take a Good Friday holiday like the rest of the Christ-lovin world.

You must call. I would call, but it's early and I'm sure you have the day off. We must THINK! Newly discovered Danny info! Evaluation is key!
My new "redneck boyfriend" doesn't believe in the following things:
* Hate crime legislation
* an equal rights amendment in any form
* gun control laws
* evolution (holy christ)
Is this really worth it? I haven't had fights this good since... well, we all know how long it's been. All those d.g. free years stretched out before me like a happy-liberal-hiking-trail with too-many "yes ma'am" puppy dog boyfriends following behind. Maybe it's almost too good to be true.
In Crisis,

Do you recall me ever being extraordinarily bad at anything? Get back to me on this.

Sorry I made you read that note. I was being spastic. You're more than used to it by now. Hopefully you've been able to get that image out of your head.
In parking-lot solidarity,

Thanks for being absolutely the worst in the world at keeping secrets. It always works out for the best for me. Hope you have the happiest Jesus-weekend ever. Is it okay to have beer and cigarettes before noon on Good Friday? (I think you'd be the authority on such activities.) *wink, wink*
love always,

I was being an anti-social, into-my-own-shit moron last night. I was flighty and awful and I'm terribly sorry. I'll make it up to you tonight at movie-madness in Greenwood.
forgive me,

To all other readers,
Allison over at bluishorange has a really cool post today. You should go check it out.
heather j.

Heather at 7:27 AM



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