Thursday, April 10, 2003

desks and crafting... inevitable, beautiful disaster
My children are amazing artists. And as "Sex in a Shoebox" has progressed, beautiful things have happenned. However, one of the main side effects is that my room has been trashed at least half of the day for the past three days. The following pics are documentation of the aftermath.

Brian Friel's rather rustic play, Translations inspired the use of grass(?) and dirt in a set that now appears to be a barn with an elaborate tile floor. I now know that, yes, it is possible to create mini hay-bales using dry grass and a hot glue gun. And I also know that it's a bitch to clean up.

My freshmen are becoming rather jealous and anxious that they haven't been allowed to spend their time "creating" in my class. On more than one occasion, students have salvaged materials that have been left behind by Drama students in previous periods. One particular precocious student (read: bright but terrible), employed a stray role of masking tape to decorate her desk while simultaneously securing her notes.

And so, the creativity continues. It is a beautiful, beautiful thing.

*In other news, I'm getting better with the Blink. Lower percentage of absolutely blurry pictures. Better at locating sources of light. etc, etc, etc. Hopefully I'll be halfway decent in time for the weekend's festivities.


Heather at 5:02 PM



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