Saturday, March 22, 2003

"I'm going to go get the camera so I can take pictures of us washing the house."
--John, on Saturday mornings and soapy fun

A beautiful Saturday that has left me incredibly sleepy. Woke up early, fixed coffee, was generally productive but not toward anything that I can really show now, nearly 18 hours later. John and I spent a couple hours with a scrub brush, a refurbished 409 bottle now filled with water, a too-short garden hose, and the passion to make the front of the house sparkle even though a glance at our yard might still lead people to believe that he house had been abandoned. We got dirty and the house got clean. We took pictures. John walked around with two phones in his pockets. We got honked at frequently by passing motorists who thought we'd escaped from a home somewhere. It was sunny and wonderful.

The afternoon brought adventures with Smirnof Citrus Twist, a ridiculous assortment of hip-hop CDs and Tina's back porch overlooking the ever-creepy Lake Ferguson. We wasted the hours and cigarettes away as if we had finally found our perfect spot of relaxation, like wrinkled old ladies next to the pool at some ridiculously overpriced retirement complex. The three of us then came back to our house, helped Isaac replace John's car window, entertained Lauren by showing her the bird and feeding her sugary cereal, and watched entirely too much basketball.

And now that I'm so sleepy that I can barely hold my eyes open, I can safely say that there should be days without homework and planning and worries. These are the days that keep me sane and the days that remind me it's okay to string a few of the other kill-me-now days together in a row, especially when ever-so-often you get a day when the sun shines at the right time, the yard gets mowed before the sun goes down, there's still money in checking to pay for the chinese buffet, and a warm bed awaits when it's all over with.

Heather at 9:56 PM



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