Monday, March 24, 2003
Dear sweet Cleveland, who inspires me to rip off cute creative things. (at least I usually beat Lizzie to it.)A - Age: 23
B - Best Quality: People never have to wonder what I'm thinking
C - Choice of Meat: Tuna, fresh from the can. Hey, it's economical and healthy.
D - Dream Date: So many boys, so little time.
E - Escape: Sunshine, Camel Ultra Lights, Coffee, the porch
F - Favorite Food: Squash Casserole. Yes, really.
G - Greatest Accomplishment: Teaching in the Delta
H - Happiest Day of Your Life: the story would make for a very late night...
I - Internal Conflicts: choice of occupation, lack of soulmate, the usual shit
J - Jail Time: Nope. But I'm still counting on the one "get out of jail free" card my dad promised.
K - Kool-Aid: Used to be Mountain Berry Punch, but they stopped making it, so I'd have to go with Black Cherry.
L - Love:Lizzie, John, my family, my car, assorted other people who would get giant egos if I put them on the list.
M - Most Valued Thing I Own: Monetarily? My car. Spiritually? My books.
N - Name: Carol Headley Hickey
O - Outfit You Love: Awesome Band 94' tshirt and my nifty denim skirt.
P - Pizza Toppings: mushrooms, onions, jalapenos, more mushrooms
Q - Question You Want To Ask: Where will I be in five years, and who will be there with me?
R - Road Trip: Please god yes.
S - Sport To Watch: College Football
T - Television Show: American Idol
U - Unique Habit: Insisting that the cream go into the cup BEFORE the coffee.
V - Voice: Southern, but in an especially bitchy and annoying way.
W - Winter: Shoud be colder with more snow in Mississippi.
X - X?: The signature chromosome of the kinder sex.
Y - Your Name If You'd Been Born The Opposite Sex: Clint or Luke. Yuck.
Z - Zodiac Sign: Aquarius.
and now, to bed.
Heather at 9:23 PM