Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Some scary shit.

Because not everyone who reads this blog reads Jeremy's journal as well, I thought I should post the same link that he has up today. We often become so jaded and lulled into a sense of security that our media is reporting all the news that's fit to print, but their definition of "fit to print" is often so slanted that the most important of stories simply fall between the cracks. The cracks that are designed to simultaneously comfort us and conceal our often sinister government. So, thanks to the BBC and special thanks to Jeremy for finding this story in the first place.

US 'plans new nuclear weapons'

In other news, some kid got in trouble for doing exactly what I did as a teacher on Friday of last week. I, being the ridiculously liberal person that I am, wore my "I don't believe in your war, Mr. Bush" t-shirt to school. This 16 year old in Michigan did something very similar. Read his story on CNN.

Anti-Bush T-shirt banned at Michigan school

Heather at 3:19 PM



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