Sunday, February 16, 2003

"It'd be Road Rules: The Hippie Guy"
---Mike, lamely attempting to refurbish a quote and achieve the same humourous effect, on war rallies

The jury is still out as to whether or not it was a good/entertaining/enjoyable weekend. There were high points and low points. Due to the lovely realization that I had more money than I thought I had, I bought myself a new journal (for all of the stuff that isn't appropriate to go on here or in the illuminated Rho journal). It's tiny and lovely and when I'm done posting, I'm going to spend a ridiculous amount of time going through and numbering every page. It's small and black and when I write in it I feel like a super-duper-secret-agent-literary-giant. Only, someone of that caliber would never find it acceptable to create lengthy humorous phrases through the excessive use of dashes.

I think I can safely say that I've fully recovered from the fight. And hopefully I'll be singing the same tune when all of the girls are back at school tomorrow.

As for things of a darker nature, I've been reminded in the past 48 hours or so why it is that I so rarely keep secrets. I have two right now, and at any given moment either one of them seems big enough to overtake everything that is making me happy or could make me happy. And if you are reading this, let me be the first to assure you that neither secret has anything to do with you. I'm taking these puppies to the grave, anyway. Those that I can confide in have been distant this weekend, either emotionally or geographically. Maybe the anxiety will pass. Maybe I'm just homesick. Ohhhh, squash casserole.

Heather at 12:59 PM



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