Monday, February 17, 2003

"I wanted sex last week, but now I just want the fuckin' doughnut."
--- Lizzie, on the global importance of Krispy Kremes

There is a dandelion in my backyard. And not a yellow one. An I-was-already-yellow-and-now-I'm-all-poofy dandelion. Maybe it's not a mutant dandelion placed in my backyard by sinister aliens that visit in the night, but I haven't entirely ruled that out. Perhaps it has been there for a while and the curtains shifted and now I can see it. Nonetheless, it's still freaking me out.

Today sucked, but I've already gotten all my whiney-bitch attitude out of my system, thanks to one particularly wonderful friend who had a very high heather-bullshit tolerance earlier today. So instead of writing about how much today sucked, I'll bless you with a list of my absolute favorite things that I own in the world. (It's good for the soul to dwell on the positive when the negative seems to be all around.) And sure, it's a bit materialistic, but face it people. I'm a teacher. How often do I get to be truly materialistic?

1. My navy blue duvet cover with its tiny white polka dots. It keeps me cozy and warm. Now if only I had someone to cuddle with under it...
2. Sandals, sandals, and more sandals. And if the dandelion is any indicator, maybe it will eventually warm up enough so that my kids will stop telling me that I'm going to die of exposure for wearing them in freezing weather.
3. My tattoo. I paid for it, it goes places with me, so I think it's safe to say that I own it.
4. All of my books. especially the ones that have that good book smell.
5. My ridiculously random t-shirt collection. Awesome Band 94'!
6. A shiny red Starbucks travel coffee-mug, even though my kids knock it over at least once a day.
7. The Moleskin journal I bought at Square Books this weekend. It still needs a name. If you've got any ideas, drop me a line.
8. And of course, last but not least, Zelda, the currently rather dirty silver Saturn L-100.

Ah, the glory of an entirely unintellectual post. *deep sigh of mindless relief*

Heather at 3:18 PM



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