Thursday, February 06, 2003

"I got some lava lamps at home. You can borrow them."
-- Beverly (in 5th period Drama), on wooing people

Lately, I've been feeling like there's no time like the present. I mean, sure, it's a true statement. A very "duh" thing to say. But how often do we really think about things in those terms? I think I've finally realized that I was coasting for way too long. And at this moment every friend I've ever had that's ever tried to tell me to slow down or think more is cringing and squinting their eyes to avoid bearing witness to the inevitable trainwreck that must follow a statement like that when it comes from me.

But I'm here to say, in my most noble self-assured voice, screw it. I was coasting. I know I was coasting the same way you know that you've let down the emergency brake in your car. It eases away and then you are rolling. And then the rolling picks up speed. Warnings be damned, I've done some things in the last few weeks that have finally let me feel that my life is here for me to transform it into whatever I might wish it to be, and now that I've started, I'm certainly not going to be stopping any time soon.

Heather at 12:06 PM



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