Tuesday, January 07, 2003
Sleep is coming soon. Tomorrow, the glory of the short day... the horror of having to face the fact that I'm nowhere near being finished with grading and averaging and hair pulling for a nine weeks that ended two and a half weeks ago.Resolution: To be the kind of teacher that I wanted to be before I realized what teaching was all about.
To Indianola (casa del Carey and Maggie) tonight to regroup, feed the soul, generally get out of the house without spending too much money (even though I did have to gas up my car to make it all the way there). Breakfast for dinner made it feel like home, only without mama's biscuits. I think my ever-lingering problem of having and keeping female friends might be beginning to resolve itself (after a twenty-two year struggle). It wasn't a magical, vagina-discussing, night of wonder, but it made me happy. And typically, few things about interactions with other women make me happy.
Confusing revelation: I was the least "pure" of the three of us, while Maggie managed to be a bigger slut than I am. A bit contradictory, it seems. Even if I'm not the biggest slut, there is still pride to be had in the lowest purity test score.
On to another day of educating America's youth. If the world only knew how I spend my evenings... Or how big of a slut I am. *wink wink*
Heather at 8:45 PM