Monday, January 20, 2003
"It's hot, dude. It's hot inside my head!"--- Amber, on being hot
The weekend. God's gift to the tired, work-a-day world. Only sometimes, the weekend has a way of twisting over and in on itself until you begin to feel that maybe things would have been better off if there hadn't been a weekend at all. I'm not quite to that point yet, but there is so much going on in my head, attempting to process things that I never imagined I would have difficulty processing; making sense of the craziness that continues to be my life. There are so many things that I would like to say in the entry tonight. So many things that I could get myself in trouble for. So many things that cannot be edited from my mind but must be edited from the type on this page. If only I had the confidence of anonymity and the peace to know that all who read this would love me no matter what. Self-censorship is a bitch, no matter how you slice it.
The abridged, PG13 rated, censored to protect the innocent version of Heather's weekend:
Drinking, smoking, movies, every sort of assorted fun one could imagine. Amber, God bless her, is the best addition to my life in recent memory. I didn't think it was possible to feel a part of absolutely everything that went on, but somehow I did. The world was our oyster, our more than half full glass of Woodchuck Granny Smith, our unopened pack of cigarettes, and this weekend we did everything in it that we pleased. Music everywhere, linked closely with good conversation and the truest sort of spontaneity anyone can experience.
However, that demon of lust/misguided adoration was determined to rear it's ugly head. Such an incident was either the high point or the absolute low point of our ever-eventful, ever-entertaining weekend. And even though I won't have it again, this week I'm sure I'll spend more than a moment or two thinking back and realizing that it was truly that warm-blanket, full-cup-of-coffee sort of comfort. It helps to be thankful for such things, especially when the same events could have been awkward and entirely uncomfortable. (I wonder if he would tell the story in the same way.) Life lesson learned: Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I didn't know what I was doing, but I did it anyway, and I can honestly say I'm happier for it.
Later this week, in future installments of "Chronicling the Weekend": Reviews of About Schmidt and The Hours; The Importance of Knowing Kurt Vonnegut's Smoke of Choice, How to Get Harrassed in a Hotel Room, and more quotes from the "Heather and Amber Do Memphis Quote Book."
Heather at 6:33 PM