Friday, December 13, 2002

For some strange reason my page isn't updating, so who knows if this will actually show up or not. It has been an absolute nothing of a day. The only class where I had more than fifty percent of my students was fourth period, of course, and I wanted to string them all up by their toenails by the time lunch was over. Individually, they're fine people, but as a group they are monsters.

So now I'm wasting away my "planning" period. I was supposed to meet with Mr. Liddell at the beginning of the period, but he is nowhere to be found, of course. Must be nice to be the principal and be able to be whereever you want whenever you want since you think no one ever expects you to be anywhere in particular.

One more period left, and then I can chill.

p.s. there's a new boy. crazy weird unreliable story . maybe i'll include it someday soon.

Heather at 11:49 AM



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