Wednesday, November 13, 2002

It's been such a crazy few days, and I can only write for a few minutes because The Amazing Race is about to come on. Oh, the escape of pointless tv. There's nothing like it.

So I think I should condense this weeks life lessons into a handy little list ala Dave Lettermen. So, life advice from heather, on what seems to be an ordinary Wednesday night.
1. Never drive away from a gas station with your wallet on top of your car. It's a real pain in the ass.
2. School secretaries are evil. There are no exceptions.
3. Oral Communication textbooks are a godsend. (And it only took until Thanksgiving to get them. Go Delta Schools!)
4. My mom's voice is the best sound in the world.
5. Giving rides to people that you are immensely attracted to leads to major day dreaming while driving.
6. Mix CDs are always wonderful, especially when someone you love makes them for you.
7. Pitching a fit can be both classy and productive when performed for the right audience.
8. Virginia Slims are annoyingly girly, but they make you feel skinny.
9. If you leave a drink on a table in a high school classroom, it will get spilled. (or "wasted" as my kids would say)
10. You simply must adore people who absolutely HAVE to drive to Jackson on a school night just to go to Barnes & Noble.

More later for you night owls and faithful readers of the journal.

Heather at 5:59 PM



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