Friday, June 04, 2004

Notice: The Magnolia has left the building.

Off to sun and sand (and sunburn and sand in unfortunate places).

The tentative itenerary for those that give a damn:
June 5-June 11: Ft. Walton Beach, Florida
June 12-June 17: Chattanooga, TN
June 19-?????: I won't be at home, and my cell will be out of area. (In other words, if you need to get in touch with me, it better darn well be worth thirty-five cents a minute.)

Questions? Comments? Feel free to leave a million of them. But don't you dare expect a response. I'm on freaking VACATION.

Heather at 1:24 PM


Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Let the sporadic summer posting begin!

In high school and well into college whenever life would get rough and confusing, I would go sit on the front steps on the porch and talk to god and the stars and the clouds and the moon. Sometimes I'd talk for hours, others only a few minutes. Sometimes I'd bring a beverage or a book (if I knew I'd be in the conversation with oblivion for a while). In the cold, I'd wrap up in a blanket, trying to cover my bare, freezing toes. And in the summer I'd battle the mosquitos for my quality-night-time-in-depth-reflection.

I have a date with my porch tonight, and even though I can't actually sit on my steps due to an alarming roach-and-slug convention occuring nightly I'll see if anything will resolve itself.

Heather at 10:25 PM
